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“When in Rome, do as Romans do”

Last month, I went to China because it was a dream to travel so far alone. It was my first experience without my parents, I felt so nerveous.

When I arrived to Hong Kong I was extremely afraid since I was waiting in the airport. I waited like two hours and then the people of the hotel arrived to welcome me. They invited me to a festival in the centre that night. They told me that the city was going to be awesome and had a lovely time and I accepted the invitation.

I arrived to the hotel, a very beautiful one, I relaxed there and then I took a bath and I went to the festival.

I was feeling so awkward and so uncorfotable and I told them that I was going to come back to the hotel.

When I was arriving to the hotel, I realized that I was bored. I'm not like that! I used to be a very funny person that had a lot of fun and laughed. What was happening to me?

When I was drinking something in the hotel, one man called Marcus come and started to talk me, he was so kind! He asked me what I liked the most and I told him that I love parks and all the natural things but that my head was in Argentina.

The following day he invited me to do chinese activities to forget me the last boring night and to know more about chinese people. We went to eat the typical food there, we went to the park, to the cinema, I really had fun with him. I thought I'm in love with him and that was a problem. I really miss him, he promissed that he is going to come to my birthday that is in two weeks! I can't wait.

I had a incredible afternoon with him! I love the chinese culture, it's too different from Argentina. I will come back to do the typical activities in China because there I had a lot of fun. I felt like in the sky because nobody could say me anything, I was me and only me, people were different. They welcome me very well and if they come here to Argentina any day I will do all activities we do there but with the Argentina culture.

I became myself again, it was awesome.

“When in China, do as Chinese do” and when they come here “when in Argentina, do as Argentinians do.”


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