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What would you do?

We all had that moment when we stop to think about our lives and imagine what we’d do in some situations, which are unlikely to happen. Today, I thought an interesting question: what would I miss if I were in a desert island? Think your answer because I want you to write it in the comments below!

My family

  • My brother and my sister: I have one seven years old sister and a six years old brother and they are so annoying that when they aren’t in home, I miss them because I don’t have nobody who is asking me things, yelling or crying (sometimes the three things at the same time). I would definitely miss the noise they make.

  • My parents: I’m sure I’d miss the support they give to me when I can’t catch my goals, their advices, their love and, of course, the things they buy to me.

  • My grandparents: I love my grandparents and I can’t imagine a life without them, without my grandmothers’ food, the games I play with my grandfathers and their advices when I have a fight with my parents.


Can someone live without technology nowadays? It plays a role so important in our lives that it seems impossible. I bet my life that I’d miss my mobile phone, Spotify, YouTube, the funny memes I see every day… Briefly, I’d miss Internet.


And last but not least, I’d miss the people who are always supporting me, who I play and make jokes with, who I fight with but in a minute we’re best friends again… In just two words, my friends.

It’s interesting how some people, places and objects can be so deep in our hearts that when we don’t see them, we want to see them again and sometimes, they make us cry because of their absence. And you, what would you want to see again, what would you cry for, what would you miss if you were in a desert island?

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